Extension : Enpass Password Manager pour Google Chrome
Version : 6.7.4
Proposé par : https://www.enpass.io
Enpass extension autofills logins, passwords, credit cards and identities from the Enpass desktop application.REQUIREMENTS: Free Enpass desktop application ver 5.2 or above on Windows, Mac and Linux.
RELEASE NOTES: http://www.enpass.io/release-notes/enpass-browser-extensions/
Enpass password manager secures your passwords, credit cards and all other credentials offline on your device and is available for all major desktop, mobiles and tablets. For secure and smooth browsing experience on desktops (Windows, Mac and Linux), Enpass Browser extensions works in conjunction with desktop application for autofilling usernames, passwords and credit cards on the web pages where ever you need them. It also lets you create strong & unique passwords, save new logins and much more to avoid the copy/paste details between main app and browser.