Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ pour Google Chrome

Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ

Extension : Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ pour Google Chrome
Version :
Proposé par : https://www.emails-to-sheets.com

Ajouter à Chrome


Export Emails to Google Sheets by cloudHQ pour Google ChromeSauvegardez, exportez ou analysez vos e-mails et étiquettes vers Google SheetsEXCELLENT for business: The data sitting in your Gmail emails can be a goldmine.
But if you don't know how to extract that data to look at it in a more effective way, that gold can quickly become worthless.
It's overwhelming to have to search through all your emails and manually enter the information you want into a spreadsheet just to keep track of things like incoming: leads, orders, real estate listings, support issues, and more.

This app simplifies ALL off that tedious work, and does it for you in an automated, continuous way so that every new email that matches your filter criteria (like order #) auto-populates into your Google Sheet. It's like having a real-time report on whatever you need to keep track of, and best of all, it's saves you a ton of time.
Here are some use cases:

✅ Export order and shipping notifications from your email messages to Google Sheets
✅ Export email Leads from your email messages to Google Sheets
✅ Email List Builder: Export all contact information from anyone that you've ever exchanged emails with. You can export that contact information from your entire inbox, or from a Gmail label
✅ Parse emails to get a report of all bounced email addresses (This is great to use with mailking.io, our email marketing software)
✅ Share support issues coming in from customers with the rest of your support team
✅ Backup (archive) your email messages
✅ Export emails from foreign-language customers so that you can get them translated by a service
✅  Use it to export your expense reports or receipts into Google Sheets (tax time is upon us!)
✅ And finally, you can import your data from your emails into your database or CRM

Key features:

⭐ Real time export of all emails in your Gmail label, and any new emails coming in, to Google Sheets  
⭐ Powerful email parsing editor to define the exact information you want exported to Google Sheets (how to extract data from email message body)
⭐ Email messages can be exported to PDF and saved in Google Drive
⭐ Attachments (like invoices, receipts, etc.) saved as a PDF in Google Drive
⭐ Artificial Intelligence rules are used to detect what to export from your email body, like amount paid, order #, or other patterns it can detect, etc.
⭐ Export all email headers (including X- headers)
⭐ Pre-built rules to export all contact information like: phone#, email addresses, url links from email body
⭐ G Suite team support (control export of emails from admin console)

Try it today and stop wasting your precious time. We have apps to do these kinds of monotonous jobs! Our goal is to give you the tools to make the best strategic decisions once your data is presented in a way that can be more easily understood. And we know the info might be in Gmail, but it's no way to make a good decision. Google Sheets will help you understand the bigger picture of whatever you need to keep track of.

How it works:

1. Install the extension
2. On the left side, select the label to export and select "Save label to Google Sheets" in the label menu
3. The options dialog will open
4. Select columns to export (Subject, sender, etc.) and options (continuous export, name of a spreadsheet, etc.)
5. Our user-friendly editor will help you define what information you want to parse from your emails, and extract that information into Google Sheets (like order#, user comment, etc.)
6. Start the export
? You can read our blog for step-by-step instructions here: https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-to-create-a-zillow-spreadsheet-using-gmail-with-an-email-parser/

cloudHQ. Helping your productivity, 1 click at a time.

cloudHQ website: https://www.cloudhq.net/
App website: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/
Pricing: https://www.emails-to-sheets.com/pricing
Support page: https://support.cloudhq.net/category/browser-extensions/export-emails-to-excel-csv-or-google-sheet/
Blog: https://blog.cloudhq.net

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