jeu de puzzle puzzle pour Google Chrome

jeu de puzzle puzzle

Extension : jeu de puzzle puzzle pour Google Chrome
Version : 1.1
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jeu de puzzle puzzle pour Google ChromeUtilisez votre appareil photo intégré pour prendre une photo pour le puzzle ou choisir parmi beaucoup de beaux endroits…Whether you want to improve your memory or kill time at the office, you can play this jigsaw puzzle game. This game will challenge your memory and time your performance on every level. You can choose to solve a picture of beautiful iconic places such as Italy and New York. Or you can use your camera and take a picture to solve it. There are 3 different levels of difficulty, easy, hard and medium. You can also play this game on your iPhone or Android device. All you need to do to play it on your mobile device is go to the link and Add it to Home Screen.

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