Extension : Passe-redirection pour Google Chrome
Version : 2.3.6
Proposé par : Sebastian Blask
Certains sites web vous détournent parfois sur une page intermédiaire avant de vous conduire à la page que vous souhaitez…Skip Redirect
Some web pages use intermediary pages before redirecting to a final page. This webextension tries to extract the final url from the intermediary url and goes there straight away if successful. As an example, try this url:
– www.google.com/chrome/?or-maybe-rather-firefox=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mozilla.org/
Please give feedback(see below) if you find websites where this fails or where you get redirected in a weird way when this add-on is enabled but not when it's disabled.
See the add-on's preferences (also available by clicking the toolbar icon) for options. By default all URLs but the ones matching a blacklist are checked for embedded URLs and redirects are skipped. Depending on the pages visited, this can cause problems. For example a dysfunctional login. The blacklist can be edited to avoid these problems. There is also a whitelist mode to avoid this kind of problem altogether. In whitelist mode, all URLs for which redirects should be skipped need to be configured by hand.
You can report bugs or make feature requests on https://github.com/sblask/webextension-skip-redirect
Patches are welcome.