Extension : Raccourcis pour Chrome pour Google Chrome
Version : 3.6.0
Proposé par : https://oss.mobilefirst.me
Menu de navigation pour les développeurs utilisant Chrome. Organisez-vous comme bon vous semble.Chrome browser navigation is optimized for non-technical users. For users who want to inspect what is happening with indexedDB, service workers, or Bluetooth devices etc., this menu brings shortcuts to those hard-to-find, internal browser pages. This menu lists all Chrome URLs in a single, flat list, configurable menu.
✔️ Pin your favorites on top for fast access
✔️ Drag and drop pinned links to change their order
✔️ Discover hidden browser features you never knew existed
✔️ Automatically matches dark/light mode based on browser setting
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This application is free and open-source software (FLOSS):
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