Select2Go pour Google Chrome


Extension : Select2Go pour Google Chrome
Version : 1.1
Proposé par : Adem Kouki

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Select2Go pour Google ChromeOuvrir le nom d'utilisateur sélectionné dans un nouvel ongletSelect2Go is an open-source Google Chrome extension.

When browsing the web and you find a username that you want to open, just select the text and right click on it and Select2Go will open a new tab with the username.
Select2Go is very useful for opening social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, linkedIn, GitHub, TikTok, etc…). It saves you time because without this extension, you have to open the website and search for the username.

This is a great extension for people who always want to follow someone but forget their username. It works like this: You’re checking out a website and you see a username. You’re like, “I really should follow him/her” and then you forget the username. With this extension you just select the username and it will open it in a new tab.
Source code:
How To Use:
1) Select the username you want to open. For example: "username"
2) Right-Click and Select "Open 'username' in"
3) Choose which website you want to open

– 1.1 (15/09/2021) : Add "Facebook (by Id or Username)" + "Facebook (by Name)"
– 1.0 (13/09/2021) : First version

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