Extension : User Agent Switcher, URL sniffer pour Google Chrome
Version :
Proposé par : Smart Software
Cette extension peut basculer l'User Agent d'un navigateur web et vous permet de trouver toutes les URLs HTTP.Most web pages are fully and completely compatible with Chrome.
However, there are some sites that insist upon using a different browser.
So, an extension has been developed for Chrome called the Ultimate User Agent Switcher.
When a web page suggests using a different browser or upgrading the current one,
the Ultimate User Agent Switcher tricks the web site into believing that it is a different browser, often allowing access.
And this extension allows you to find all HTTP URLs. (URL sniffer feature)
This extension supports Chrome 18 and later.
*Enable,disable switcher
*Add,edit User Agent list
*Filters to apply
*URL pattern to apply
*View URL sniffer log (type,method,URL,original HTTP headers..)
*Export/Import settings
*Various options